The Disciple cards

WardSpecialSkill0Gain 3 (4) Block. Exhaust.
DefendBasicSkill1Gain 5 (8) Block.
Pattern ShiftBasicSkill0(Innate.)Shift the enemy to their next turn. Self-Retaining.
Second HandBasicSkill1Retain 1 (2) card(s). Gain 5 (7) Block.
StrikeBasicAttack1Deal 6 (9) damage.
AccelerandoSpecialSkill2Gain 10 (15) Haste.
AdagioSpecialSkill2Gain 10 (14) Block. Gain 1 Dexterity.
AllargandoSpecialAttack2Deal 16 (22) damage to ALL enemies.
AllegrettoSpecialAttack2Deal 12 (17) damage. Gain 10 (14) Block.
AllegroSpecialAttack2Deal 18 (25) damage.
GraveSpecialSkill2Put target enemy to sleep for 1 (2) turn(s). Exhaust.
LargoSpecialSkill2Gain 10 (14) Block. Apply 2 (3) Vulnerable.
LentoSpecialSkill2Gain 16 (23) Block.
MisteriosoSpecialSkill2Play up to 2 (3) cards randomly from your Exhaust pile and purge them. Will not play Status or Curse cards.
ModeratoSpecialAttack2Deal 12 (17) damage. Apply 2 (3) Weak.
PrestoSpecialSkill2Escape from a non-boss combat. Receive no (only gold) rewards. Ethereal.
RallentandoSpecialSkill2Apply 10 (15) Slow.
RitenutoSpecialSkill2Apply 3 (5) Weak. Apply 3 (5) Vulnerable.
SospirandoSpecialSkill2Apply Stun (to ALL enemies). Gain Stun. Exhaust.
VivaceSpecialAttack2Deal 12 (17) damage. Gain 1 Strength.
Alternate TimelineCommonSkill0Discard a (!M!) card(s). Choose a (!M!) card(s) from your draw pile and place it (them) into your hand.
Bite CommandCommonAttack1Deal 16 (21) damage, two turns from now (next turn).
Blue ShiftCommonSkill2Gain 10 (14) Block. Self-Retaining.
Clock and LoadCommonAttack1Deal 4 (8) damage. Each turn, increase this card's damage by 2 for this combat.
Crunch TimeCommonAttack1Shatter the newest Replica. Deal 5 (8) damage for each turn on the countdown timer.
EchowardCommonSkill1All subsequent cards played this turn also play a (an upgraded) Ward.
EngulfCommonAttack1Deal 3 (4) damage. Apply 5 (8) Slow.
Exo-coatingCommonSkill1Gain 3 (4) Plated Armor. Switches into Coated Vibrissa (Vibrissa+).
Hands UpCommonSkill1Gain 4 (6) Block. At the end of the round, deal damage equal to your remaining Block.
Locked AnchorCommonPower0Ethereal. Gain 10 Block. Unlocks an Anchor (Anchor+) Replica.
Locked BloodCommonPower1Unlocks a Blood Vial (Vial+) Replica.
Locked MedicineCommonPower2Unlocks a Medical Kit (Kit+) Replica.
Locked ScalesCommonPower1Unlocks a Bronze Scales (Scales+) Replica.
ParityCommonSkill1Deal 11 (15) damage on even turns or gain 8 (12) Block on odd turns.
Prime TimeCommonAttack1Deal 9 (13) damage. If this card was retained, does twice the damage.
ReapCommonAttack1Deal 9 (12) damage to ALL enemies. Switches into Sow (Sow+).
TempoCommonSkill0Returns to your hand as a permanently transformed (upgraded) card based on enemy intent.
Wind UpCommonAttack2Deal 14 (19) damage. Self-Retaining.
AccruingUncommonAttack1Deal 0 Fibonacci damage.(Self-Retaining.)
AnalogUncommonSkill1Gain 1 Strength, Dexterity, Artifact, or Retain for each enemy based on its intent.(Self-Retaining.)
BacklashUncommonAttack2Deal 0 damage. Deals double (two and a half time) the enemy's Block in damage. Self-Retaining.
Beats Per MinuteUncommonAttack1Deal 11 (15) damage. If this kills, permanently gain a (an upgraded) card based on enemy intent. Exhaust.
BreakUncommonSkill1Gain 10 (13) Block. All enemies gain 8 (11) Block.
CuckooUncommonSkill3 (2)Exhaust 4 cards from your draw pile. Self-Retaining.
Escort CommandUncommonSkill1Gain 3 (5) Block. Next turn gain 8 (11) Block.
FacsimileUncommonSkillXCreate replicas of X of your eligible relics. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.) Currently you will only replicate Rocks.
Formal WearUncommonAttack2Deal 14 (16) damage. Unlocks a Rock (!M! Rock+) Replica(s).
KeepsakesUncommonAttack1Deal 4 damage 2 (3) times. For each unblocked hit, retain one card this turn.
Locked Maw BankUncommonPower1Unlocks a Maw Bank (Bank+) Replica.
Locked MercuryUncommonPower1Unlocks a Mercury (Mercury+) Replica.
Locked OrichalcumUncommonPower1Unlocks an Orichalcum (Orichalcum+) Replica.
Locked PlansUncommonPower2Unlocks a Well Laid Plans (Plans+) Replica.
Locked ThreadUncommonPower1Unlocks a Thread and Needle (Needle+) Replica.
Locked TornadoUncommonPower0Innate. Unlocks a Bottled Tornado (Tornado+) Replica.
Locked TwirtleUncommonPower1Unlocks a Paper Twirtle (Twirtle+) Replica.
Locked UrnUncommonPower1Unlocks a Bird-Faced Urn (Urn+) Replica.
Locked War PaintUncommonPower1Unlocks a War Paint (Paint+) Replica.
Locked WhetstoneUncommonPower1Unlocks a Whetstone (Whetstone+) Replica.
RecurrenceUncommonAttack1Deal 3 (5) damage 2 times. Apply 2 additional Debuffs to each existing Debuff.
Resonant CallUncommonSkillXMimics the effect and cost of the last card you played.(Self-Retaining.)
Short SightedUncommonSkill1Heal 6 (10) HP. Lose twice that in HP, four turns from now.
Slime SprayUncommonAttack2Deal 7 (11) damage and apply Slow to ALL enemies. Self-Retaining.
Spring ForwardUncommonSkill1Innate. Draw 2 (2) cards. (Retain 1 card.)Switches into Fallback (Fallback+).
StagnateUncommonSkill3 (2)Put an enemy to sleep for 3 turns. Suffer 3 Drawdown. Exhaust.
Thick GooUncommonAttack0Deal 6 (9) damage. Apply Slow. Switches into Acidic Goo (Goo+).
Ticked OffUncommonSkill2Gain 8 (13) Block. Gain Haste. Self-Retaining.
Tiring SlamUncommonAttack1Deal 10 damage. Exhaust a card in (from ANY of) your hand (cards).
Vested LegacyUncommonSkill1Add 3 (upgraded) Wards to your hand and shuffle 2 into your draw pile.
Wake Up CallUncommonAttack1Will deal a 44 (60) damage attack when the targeted enemy is Sleeping or Stunned.
Watch CommandUncommonSkill1Block is not removed at the start of your next 2 (3) turns.
Back Four SecondsRareSkill2Restore 50 (75)% of HP lost last turn. Self-Retaining. Exhaust.
Chrono-elasticityRareSkillXApply 5 (8) times X Slow to ALL enemies. Gain 5 (8) times X Haste.
EchonomicsRareSkill0This turn, your next discounted card is duplicated into your hand and costs 0 (this combat). Exhaust.
FlayRareAttack1Deal 5 damage to ALL enemies, and they lose that much Strength for one (two) turn(s). Exhaust.
FragmentalizeRareAttack2Deal 16 (20) damage to ALL enemies for each replica. Shatter all Replicas. Exhaust.
Locked AstrolabeRarePower2Unlocks an Astrolabe (Astrolabe+) Replica.
Locked BellRarePower2Unlocks a Calling Bell (Bell+) Replica.
Locked CalendarRarePower2(Innate.)Unlocks a Stone Calendar (Calendar+) Replica.
Locked FlameRarePower2Unlocks a Bottled Flame (Flame+) Replica.
Locked LightningRarePower2Unlocks a Bottled Lightning (Lightning+) Replica.
Master KeyRareSkill1Plays all Powers in your hand (and discard Pile). Self-Retaining. Exhaust.
Old TimerRareAttack2 (1)Deal 0 damage. For each card that has been played this combat, increase damage by 1.
Oracle FormRarePower3Instead of drawing your hand, choose 5 (6) cards from your draw pile.
Over TimeRareAttack2Deal 0 damage. For each card that you've Exhausted this combat, increase damage by 4 (7).
PendulumRareSkill1Remove targeted enemy buffs for 3 (5) turns. Exhaust.
Rage CommandRareAttack3Deal 48 (60) damage to ALL enemies, 3 turns from now.

The Disciple relics

ChronometerStarterChrono_goldCards in your hand cost 1 less energy for each turn they are Retained.Proper measurement yields greater efficiency, or so you have been taught.
Blue BoxCommonChrono_goldAdd 2 cards to your deck from the cards you skipped over earlier this run.It doesn't look like all those cards should fit in it...
Spring ShieldCommonChrono_goldDelayed attacks gain 2 Block each turn before they activate.The further back you pull, the more satisfying the thunk.
Mystic Crock PotUncommonChrono_goldFor each turn they are Retained, cards gain 20% more damage and Block until played.The slow cooker is the best way to let your cards stew for a bit.
Paper TwirtleUncommonChrono_goldSlowed enemies begin each turn with an additional three Slow.Just holding on to this makes you feel faster.
Slippery GooUncommonChrono_goldStart each combat with Haste.Never gonna catch me!
CryopreserverRareChrono_goldAll Replicas have their timers increased by a turn.Freshness is key to retaining great flavour.
Heavy SwitchRareChrono_goldAt the end of your turn, Retain up to one additional card for each Self-Retaining card in hand, Self-Retaining cards no longer Self-Retain.It used to be light.
Waiting RoomRareChrono_goldOnce per combat, if you play no cards in a turn the enemies will fall Asleep for one turn.In order to survive the waiting room, you must have patience.
Bronze Scales?SpecialChrono_goldAt the start of each combat, UnlockaBronzeScalesreplica.It looks almost like a real Bronze Scales.
Cryopreserver?SpecialChrono_goldAt the start of each combat, UnlockaCryopreserverreplica.It looks almost like a real Cryopreserver.
Flame?SpecialChrono_goldAt the start of each combat, UnlockaFlamereplica.It looks almost like a real Bottled Flame.
Ice Cream?SpecialChrono_goldAt the start of each combat, UnlockaIceCreamreplica.It looks almost like a real Ice Cream.
Lightning?SpecialChrono_goldAt the start of each combat, UnlockaThunderreplica.It looks almost like a real Bottled Lightning.
Medical Kit?SpecialChrono_goldAt the start of each combat, UnlockaMedicalKitreplica.It looks almost like a real Medical Kit.
Mercury?SpecialChrono_goldAt the start of each combat, UnlockaMercuryreplica.It looks almost like a real Mercury Hourglass.
Mummified Hand?SpecialChrono_goldAt the start of each combat, UnlockaMummifiedHandreplica.It looks almost like a real Mummified Hand.
Orichalcum?SpecialChrono_goldAt the start of each combat, UnlockaOrichalcumreplica.It looks almost like a real Orichalcum.
Tornado?SpecialChrono_goldAt the start of each combat, UnlockaTornadoreplica.It looks almost like a real Bottle Tornado.
War Paint?SpecialChrono_goldAt the start of each combat, UnlockaWarPaintreplica.It looks almost like a real War Paint.
Whetstone?SpecialChrono_goldAt the start of each combat, UnlockaWhetstonereplica.It looks almost like a real Whetstone.
ChronographBossChrono_goldCards in your hand cost 1 less energy and are upgraded for each turn they are Retained. Replaces Chronometer.Beyond measurements, one can manipulate the nature of reality itself.
Hanging ClockBossChrono_goldWhenever you play 12 cards, your turn is ended. Gain [E] at the start of each turn.Strangely, the hands on this clock only move when you do. And they only count down.
MetronomeBossChrono_goldRetain1 additional card each turn.Tick... tick... tick...

The Disciple potions

Warding PhilterCommonAdd threeWards to your hand.
Haste TonicUncommonGain Haste.

The Disciple keywords

armorAt the end of your turn, gain Block. Armor will decrease with every unblocked hit you take.
asleepSleeping creatures are unable to act for their turn. They will wake up if they take damage.
debuffDebuffs are negative effects that are applied, including Weak, Vulnerable, Frail, negative Strength, and more.
degradeThis card will transform permanently into a worse card after a single use, and cannot be regained.
drawdownDecreases your card draw temporarily.
fibonacciFibonacci effects will increase depending on the size of your hand along the fibonacci sequence: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55...
hasteFor each card played in a turn, gain 10% more block from Blocks.
lockLocks your rightmost stored item back into its original card.
replicaA Replica will float above your character, activating its effect every turn. When the countdown reaches 0, it will shatter and be removed.
self-retainingThis card will remain in your hand until played.
shatterShattering a replica will cause it to be removed.
slowFor each card played in a turn, gain 10% more attack from Attacks.
StunStunned creatures are unable to act for their turn.
switchSwitched cards will be permanently transformed into another specified card when used, but can be switched back upon further uses.
tempoTempo cards exist for each intent. An attack intent will give an Attack card, a block intent will give a Block card.
wardWards are 0 cost Block cards which Exhaust.

The Disciple creatures

The DisciplePlayer65